Three Rs of waste minimisation

Three Rs of waste minimisation

DATS is great at reusing and recycling the waste we collect. We recycle 85% of everything we pick up.

But you can play your part too. Simply think about the three Rs of waste minimisation.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.


Think about all the materials and ‘stuff’ you use. Could you use less of it?
That could mean planning your renovation or build more carefully, so you only order the materials you are actually going to use.
Or working out what food you actually need for the week, and not buying more than you need.


Why not renovate your home instead of doing a ‘knock down’?
Re-use some of the existing materials from the renovation so you can save on waste and cost.


If you separate out your waste into different bins, we can do a better job of turning brick and concrete into the base for roads and driveways, cardboard into new packaging, and steel into cars and trucks.

You know, we all have a responsibility to this great land we live in – and to looking after future generations.

By reducing, reusing and recycling, we can avoid sending unnecessary waste to landfill.

from DATS

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