Simple ideas on how to recycle

A few ideas on how to recycle

If you’re like most of us, you want to protect the precious resources we have, use less, and recycle more.

At DATS, it’s one of our passions. In fact, we recycle 85% of all the waste we collect.

So, how can you make it happen – minimise the amount of waste for us all?

Here are some ideas.

Segregate your waste in different bins: food waste, paper and cardboard, plastic/glass, brick/concrete, garden clippings/green waste.

Put signs on each bin so everyone knows which waste goes into which bin.

When ordering materials, think about what can be most easily recycled later – such as steel, aluminium and glass – and consider buying recycled materials.

Select energy efficient appliances.

You could even have parts of your renovation or build made off-site.

It might seem daunting, but these simple steps mean you’re making a difference. The more of us that minimise waste, the less there will be. That’s got to be good for the planet.

You know, DATS can recycle just about anything. Help us to recycle more. For more about recycling call our friendly team on 13 3287.

from DATS

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