Over the last month or so demand for TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment has really risen steeply and this, I might add, is all over the country. We are hearing a similar story from many of our Learners and that is they are looking to change their careers in 2017; they want to teach the vocation they have been practising for years.

Many tell us 2 things:

  • “I am not the sort of person that can do a course by my-self at home; I need a classroom and the discipline of being with a Trainer.”
  • “I can’t get 5 consecutive days off from work.”

Common problems but easily solved with HBA we say!

Our course is conducted to the same Learning Program every time we facilitate it whether that is in Darwin, Hobart, Sydney, Perth (or any of the other places we deliver in every month). This means you could theoretically attend 1 consecutive day on 5 different courses in 5 different locations and you would not miss a thing. This is called Split Delivery and it costs nothing extra to do this.

As Christmas approaches it is a great time to do a course because the work you need to do after the face to face facilitation can be done in the relative quiet of the holiday period. Our Trainers show you how to detail the necessary tools, instruments and resources.

TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is for many, the key to a new life as it provides an opportunity to down the tools of their trade and help in passing the knowledge onto a new generation of practitioners.

If you are not sure exactly what is in a TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course, why not attend one of our totally free overview days- we even provide lunch! If that is something you are interested in then have a look HERE and send an email to [email protected] and she will put your name on one of the seats.

We look forward to signing a qualification with your name on it.

from HBA

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