It’s here … Nature Play Week

Kids do better outside

It’s that time of the year again Nature in Play Week starting on 12 April.

A Victorian originated initiative designed to get kids away from smartphones, tablets, the television and back to nature.  It is an initiative that DATS believes all States should be adopting.

Research shows that getting kids back into nature – outside at the beach, in the bush, at the park, in the street or backyards – do better.

Nature week encourages kids and parents to get out outside, into the environment – to play, have fun, explore, discover, relax, and imagine.

Activities don’t have to be expensive nor planned.  They can be random and in your local community.

Start by going for a walk in your suburb, visit and play in the local park, head to a nearby school sports ground.  Then venture further; be more adventurous by discovering local bush walks, going for a bike ride, visiting a zoo or animal sanctuary … and more.

Be inspired this April, visit your State’s Nature Play websites for activities and resources to get you and your kids out and about in the environment and with nature.  Aim for 30 minutes – enjoy the fun, freedom, nature and the environment. DATS gets behind Nature week; in fact make it Nature month!  Let’s all get outside and enjoy our environment more.


from DATS

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